I’ve always held myself to the highest standards in life. No matter how hard I work, it’s never enough.
I know my full potential remains untapped and I’m always aiming to unlock new levels of growth and achievement.
I spent 7 years working in the darkness honing my skills with the singular aim to achieve greatness.
I shut up about my goals, put my head down and worked.
I watched those around me who chose the ordinary path appear as if they were doing fairly well and at times questioned if I had made a mistake.
I battled my self-doubt, my fear of success and recreated myself.
I destroyed the mold society tried to push me into and started to live life on my own terms.
These doubts I had were merely demons in my mind.
I always knew everything I predicted would come true.
I always knew I was on to something
I always knew everything taught in schools was a lie.
What is the point of me saying this?
Living a life of excellence is the only way to become great.
In life, we are surrounded by mediocrity everywhere we look.
We are taught outdated models of success by people who no longer understand how the world works.
Virtually everything you are taught in school and by your friends/family will ensure that you won’t achieve success in life.
I only listen to those who have achieved success and I emulate what they do.
None of them got good grades, went to a good college, took on student loans, graduated, worked a “real job”, saved their money, got out of debt, invested in the stock market, had a 401K, bought a house, bought some cars and then became successful.
The standard path = the path of mediocrity.
Few can understand this.
College is an absolute scam if you want to become successful.
You are going into debt (debt that cannot be forgiven even after death) to get a degree.
Degrees are as commonplace as drivers licenses nowadays. It’s meaningless.
You are digging yourself into a hole without knowing for sure how much money you will make.
You are not taking into consideration the laws of supply and demand.
As the supply of diplomas increase, the value of each of them exponentially decreases.
Degrees are more expensive today and less useful than any other time period of history.
On top of that, students nowadays have an entitlement mentality, where they believe that showing up and doing what you are told like a good boy or girl entitles you to success.
Don’t make me laugh.
This mentality is a complete turn-off to the business owners who largely value work-ethic and initiative over recommendations and diplomas.
You are at the mercy of employers who can fire you at any time.
There is no such thing as job security.
Technology is exponentially improving, and in the future AI will replace most jobs.
Like I said, college was not always a scam, but it certainly has become one.
As soon as student loans came into the picture, tuitions started climbing. That is no coincidence.
College would never exist to create entrepreneurs and owners. It only exists to create a workforce who needs to work.
How do you get people to need to work?
You shackle them with debt.
I’m merely speaking the truth of the world as it is.
I know this will offend many people but I don’t care.
The few who choose to hear what I have to say will go on to live extraordinary lives.
But why is this so hard to hear?
It comes back to what I was saying earlier about excellence and mediocrity.
Mediocre people do not question what they are taught.
This is because they fear the truth.
Excellence requires strict discipline to seek and understand the truth, no matter how painful the truth can be.
Trust me, it was a painful experience for me to give up everything I had and leave college to pursue my goals.
That is why I am in the position to write this now, while people who I went to school with are living paycheck to paycheck, buried in a cubicle with only weekends off and a couple of vacation days off during the year.
I hate weekends.
That’s when all my favorite things to do are all crowded.
Mediocrity = living for the weekend
I can’t settle for a mediocre existence and if you are reading this blog, I bet you can’t do that either.
Excellence = Real
You can’t be a faker and be great. That means you are a fraud.
I walked the walk before I talked the talk, unlike 99% of gurus on the internet.
I’m not a guru, I’m just a person who takes action and speaks from experience.
A guru is a charlatan, someone who promises something he doesn’t have.
What I talk about works because I have done it myself.
I continue to do it every day.
If you did it too, it would work for you as well.
I am the real deal and refused to make content until I achieved something myself first.
If I wrote an article today called “How To Become A Millionaire” I would be a fraud or a guru.
First I’ll go become a millionaire, then I’ll write that article.
That could take years to accomplish.
The mediocre can’t stick to their goals for even a week, let alone 7 years.
That’s why short-cutters get nowhere, because they disrespect the process.
To be great, you need to be patient.
Mediocrity = Fake
The faker you are the more mediocre you are.
During my time in college, I was surrounded by fakers left and right.
Chasing fame and money will pretty much ensure you will never make it.
I don’t chase fame or money, I just excel at what I do and take satisfaction in the process and in my own self-improvement.
As a pretender, people can see through your bullshit from a mile away.
Mediocrity is so common because we live in a fake society.
A society in which people are encouraged to pretend as opposed to actually working to achieve their goals.
In fact, ambition and determination is discouraged in our world.
You’ll be far more liked if you are a loser because more people will want to be around you.
They only like you because they feel a sense of superiority.
You only exist in their lives to make them feel better about themselves.
Become great and see if they still like you.
In our society, people want instant results and do not respect the process.
Success respects the process and if you ignore the process, success will ignore you.
To become great, you need to pave your own path in life, embrace pain, fail many times and ignore the garbage that the mediocre try to push on you.
Mediocre people talk at lengths about things they know very little about.
This is because they are too arrogant to become a student and learn before they talk.
Excellence requires the humility to admit that you are clueless, the openness to absorb information from credible sources and the initiative to put it into action.
I only listen to people who have exactly what I want.
I don’t envy them, I make a commitment that I will learn from them and thats why I end up winning.
Mediocre people are the first to offer you advice, but their advice is useless because it does not come from experience.
I disregard advice from people who are unhappy, poor or struggling.
If you take advice from these kinds of people, you will end up just like them.
Why is mediocrity so common and excellence so rare?
Mediocrity is so common because being a loser is applauded in our society.
Having goals and the determination to achieve them is frowned upon.
I don’t care, that only means more success for me.
The sheep are being led to the slaughterhouse and are going into student loan debt to do so.
Simultaneously, they listen to Dave Ramsey and avoid all other kinds of debt besides student debt.
This virtually ensures that they will never get rich because ever since 1971, US Dollars became debt after President Nixon took us off the gold standard.
Our money is debt, and taking on productive debt can make you rich.
On top of that, 80% of our money supply in circulation has been printed after the year 2020.
What does this mean?
Your money is worthless and it is only a matter of time before the US Dollar fails completely.
Savers will be wiped out and spenders will get rich with hyper-inflation.
You cannot ignore these facts if you want to win.
99% of the population does not know this.
Instead they point fingers at the 1% and say they are the cause of all the problems.
If you hate the 1% how can you become one of them?
I always respected and wanted to learn from those who are excellent.
Our society is a society of losers and haters who are like crabs in a bucket.
Once you try to climb out, they’ll be quick to bring you back to security and safety, not knowing that the entire bucket is headed to the seafood market where people will buy the crabs and cook them alive.
I’m not trying to be negative.
I just speak of the world as it is.
If you want to be great, understand the world and operate within it in a way that maximizes your own personal success.
Ignore the scum who encourage you to give up and live a mediocre existence when you know deep within your soul that you want to win and that you have it in you.
Mediocrity craves attention
I never cared about getting attention, I just knew real success would draw in attention and that the money would flow in, regardless of what I did.
Whenever I go on TikTok or Instagram, all I see are desperate people doing degenerate things to get attention.
People spend all day on social media trying to get people to pay attention to them, but they’re just wasting their lives.
They could’ve spent their time becoming great in something.
Instead, they’re making clowns out of themselves for a few likes and followers.
Developing real skill and talent doesn’t interest these kinds of people.
I work for money, power and influence, not bullshit like validation, likes and followers.
I create the greatest content that my audience absolutely demands and I get real results.
I let go of selfish things such as getting validation and focus on changing lives and providing value.
I won’t stop making content that changes lives, and the first step is continuing to evolve and change my own life.
I will reach the pinnacle and if you want you can join me.
This blog will live on forever and change countless lives as long as I stay focused and keep creating the best articles and videos.
TikTok influencers chase trends, try to get 15 seconds of fame and are forgotten next week.
Thirsty for attention, they repel it and the success and money that comes with real excellence.
This post will definitely get me some haters and trigger people who live mediocre lives.
However, someone who is on the cusp of success and feels like they could make it happen will find immense value in this post.
I write from my heart and soul, these are things I believe in.
The opinions of the world are what holds you down, but only if you let it.
For the longest time, I cared too much of what others thought of me.
But now, I do whatever the fuck I want.
Best regards,
Alex Chung
Hey Alex I’ve lived the mediocre life you talk of, besides having my wife and kids my accomplishments seem empty and meaningless. I want to give fba a try and become a success. Could you give me some tips, and a bare minimum starter list of supplies to start.
Hello Darnell,
Thanks for the comment. The fact that you can read this article and find the motivation to make a change in your life means that you have what it takes to win. My advice would be to start small and learn through experience. Go to Walmart or Goodwill after you get approved to be an Amazon seller and start scanning low price items. This will ensure that your risk is minimal while you learn how to source. Once you develop confidence in your buying decisions, the possibilities are endless. Here is a link of all the tools I use: https://mkvln.com/tools-and-supplies-i-use-to-manage-my-amazon-business/
Good luck,
Alex Chung
Fantastic article Alex. We are speaking the same language 100%. I’m on the FBA journey as well but my endeavors haven’t been as fruitful as yours, definitely an inspiration to see and lighting a fire underneath me to push harder. Appreciate your efforts my fellow Korean bro.
Hello Albert,
Thanks for reading. As long as you refuse to give up, you will achieve your goals. Stay moving forward and take it one day at a time.
Alex Chung