This post represents the first of many blogs to come on this website. I used to blog 5 years ago in 2018 but decided quit in order to focus on experiencing life and becoming a student of the world.
Why am I starting this blog?
I am starting this blog in order to document my progress, show others how they can achieve similar results, learn from others, network with like-minded people and teach things I have experience on. Not only does my blog potentially offer value to others, it also works as a great way to communicate through a creative medium.
I enjoy making videos but find writing so much easier. This is likely due to the thousands of SEO articles I’ve written throughout the years working in an SEO agency. Not only that, but content creation is always a productive activity because you are producing as opposed to consuming someone else’s content. I haven’t posted consistently in years simply because I was focusing on learning things through trial and error and experience. I tried a lot of different jobs and have done many things since I dropped out of Northeastern University in 2016. Instead of pretending to be someone that I was not, like most people on the internet, I decided to actually learn how to do things and achieve goals.
Why did I drop out of college?
I dropped out of college simply because I could not see any value in it. I was not only wasting my time but was wasting money. I wanted to pursue music and make money at the same time. I went to school for business but hardly learned anything at all. I remember my entrepreneurship class consisted of a professor having us analyze one of Dorito’s advertising campaigns and talking about what was good or bad about it. I realized that this institution was a joke and that my teacher really didn’t know anything about starting and operating a business. All he could teach was from out of a book, not from real experience.
I didn’t just want to learn theories and ideas, I wanted to actually become rich and that was my plan. Knowing this, I still decided to stay at school and try out the Co-Op program, which is an internship that you can get through the school. At least I would be able to make some money and experience how a big company (TJX) really operated.
It was at this cubicle job that I knew for certain college wasn’t for me and I decided to quit my job and drop out of college. My journey from then (2016) until now has been insane. I can’t believe how far I have come. There were tons of pain and sacrifices required every step of the way. I had to fall before I could come up. I fell many times and failed many times. But I will win because failure is simply not an option. I’ll either eventually win or die trying.
This is the first post on this blog and a brief introduction of who I am. I have many topics and subjects to write about and videos to create. I hate sharing things about myself, which is why creating content can be such a challenge. But I am dedicated to making it happen, so this is going to be my first blog of many.
I hope that this blog can benefit another person and improve their life. When I was trying to find my path, I had no mentor. I had to do it all by myself. The only people who helped me were writers of books or blogs or videos on YouTube.
I’m still on the grind trying to hit the next level like I have been for the past 7 years. People sometimes think that I quit music because how focused I am on business. The opposite couldn’t be more true. I work on business in order to be able to pursue music. That being said, I enjoy business just as much as music. Both are my passion, which is why I never feel like I’m working even though I work all of the time. The more I advance my business, the more time I will have to work on music and more money to promote it and get it heard.
I’m still a student and hardly consider myself a master. In fact, I often wonder how much further I would have advanced if I had a mentor when I was starting off. Nonetheless, I don’t believe in making excuses so I didn’t let lack of a mentor stop me from achieving my goals. In a future post I will write about how I went from having no sales experience to getting hired at luxury dealerships such as BMW and Mercedes as a salesman, which is what I did after I failed at my first e-commerce Shopify business and up until I began e-commerce again after the pandemic.
It was at Mercedes-Benz that I honed my cold calling skills and learned how to sell. That combined with my prior e-commerce experience is what allowed me to succeed on Amazon. After knowing that I could move $50k-$100k vehicles out of the dealership’s showroom floor on a consistent basis, selling on Amazon seemed like a cakewalk.
Until next time,
Alex Chung
Came here from TikTok, after seeing your video that walks through buying a 15-pack of gum from Sam’s and selling it on Amazon. I am an ambition like minded individual, I have set the goal of starting a business for myself this year and FBA is one of the avenues I am strongly considering. For work I’m a Cloud Security TPM. I would love to work with you and learn a couple things through this transition, I would help you through all things cloud if you’d be willing to guide and help me as well! I hope you keep flourishing in life and please keep me in your pool of networks or maybe reach out if you’d like to work together!
Hi Lu, thanks for stopping by and for the kind words! That’s the purpose of this blog, to share information from my experience in order to help others achieve similar results. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’ll try to write about them. I’ll be sure to reach out if I need any help regarding Cloud Security. Best regards
Wow ur story is very touching I’m very interested in learning more about this Amazon selling FBA
I would like to ask some questions
Thanks Alexander, let me know what questions you have and I’ll try to answer them in future blog posts.
Saw your video about gum. Sick and tired of living pay to pay check and would to pick up a new hobby and learn something. I am the type of person that is a hard worker I just don’t know where to start.
Hello David,
If you are a hard worker and don’t mind putting in the work, I recommend you find another income stream so you have money to invest into reselling. I used to UberEats and Doordash to get funds to buy inventory for eBay and Amazon. When there’s a will there’s a way. You don’t need to save up a lot of money but you need to find a way to have some extra cash in your pocket so you can start investing. After you figure that out, I would recommend you start selling on Amazon or eBay and create an account so you can start scanning items in store. You can use the money you made to invest in your new side hustle. The most important thing is to get started in anything, because that will build positive momentum that will help you reach your goals.
Best regards,
Alex Chung