If you want to live the life of your dreams, fuck the rules.
Doing what you’re told to do in life will only get you mediocre results.
You’re not going to get good grades, go to college, get a good job and retire rich.
If you really believe that, take a look at the people around you.
All of them followed that path and look where they are now.
Ironically, what most people view as the safest bet is actually the riskiest move to make.
Playing by the rules will never benefit you because the rules are put in place by those who’ve won the game.
It shouldn’t come as a shock to you that the people who’ve set the rules don’t even play by them themselves.
Only followers and sheep follow the rules without question.
That is why they will never achieve greatness.
I’ve always questioned why I need to follow the rules that my friends, my family and society as a whole told me to.
I didn’t have to be a genius to realize that the math didn’t add up.
No rich people followed the ordinary path.
Every single person I know who followed the normal path struggled every step of the way.
Struggling with their workload at school.
Struggling to pay the bills.
Struggling to find a high paying job.
Struggling to pay their rent.
Struggling to save money and build wealth.
These people all did what they were told to do without question, and their lives were by no means successful.
If the rules really led to success, shouldn’t all these people be rich and happy?
It was painfully obvious to me that it was all a massive scam.
When average people tried shoving their stupid rules in my face, I became unbreakable.
I made a commitment to emulate only great men, and ignore the mediocre.
I followed my gut instinct and let go of logic and reason.
I became unreasonable and unrealistic.
That is why I have achieved goals that others consider to be unreasonable and unrealistic.
I don’t struggle at life.
In fact, life is easy.
It’s almost too easy.
It’s easy because I don’t follow the rules that are set in place to make life hard.
Life has to be hard for the masses so it can be easy for the few.
The burden must be borne by someone.
The good news is that following the rules is a decision that only you have the power to make.
You have the power to say no.
Don’t say yes and then blame winners that your life sucks.
I don’t listen to broke people and especially not when they are trying to make me live like them.
I’m allergic to average and refuse to live an average life.
“Why don’t you go back to school?”, they ask me.
Because I don’t want to be in massive debt like you and have to work at Starbucks because I didn’t question the path set in front of me.
“Why don’t you get a real job?”, they ask me.
Because time is more valuable than money and I’d rather sell my money to get time than sell my time to get money.
Because I decided to make my own money rather than sell my soul to the system for a meager paycheck and job security.
Besides, I can make as much money as I want without having to give up my freedom and independence.
Over the course of the last seven years, I’ve honed money making skills that ensure that I will never have to work a “real job” again.
Over the course of the last seven years, rule followers did nothing but complain and protest.
Now they are at risk of losing their jobs during this next recession and want their money back.
They believed everything the media and society told them and are wondering why they got screwed over.
What is a “real job” anyways?
A “real job” is a job that has many “benefits” such as 401K plans, health insurance, job security and more.
The average Joe reads that sentence and thinks, “That sounds incredible!”.
Yeah, it’s incredible.
Quite incredible for employers now that they have employees that won’t leave by their own accord and are more than happy to sign their lives away.
Willing to sacrifice their time and lifespan to make their superiors rich.
I don’t follow the rules and that is why I don’t fall for tricks like these.
I also don’t sacrifice anything.
I get everything I want and more.
There is no security in a job because you are not in control.
The only thing you can control in this life is yourself.
Self-education > College
I didn’t waste 4 years in college learning from idiots in business school.
I only spent 2 years in college, and during that time I was self-educating myself and formulating my escape plan.
Once I left college, my real world education began while the rule followers stopped learning.
Following the rules turns you into a beggar.
You believe that because you did what you were supposed to do like a good boy, you are entitled to success now.
Don’t make me laugh with that pathetic mindset.
Success is taken, not awarded.
Success is real, it’s not fake like a diploma.
A diploma is fake because all you need to do is the bare minimum to get it.
If you do the bare minimum in life, you’re certain to become a loser.
In fact, if you aren’t completely obsessed with your goals, you won’t achieve a single thing.
The rules of society state that obsession is a disease.
I’d rather be consider diseased by the masses than be poor like them.
I consider the poverty mindset to be a disease.
We live in America, a country abound with opportunities.
You’re going to point fingers at the rich saying that they are the reason you’re not successful while all I see you do is watch Netflix?
I speak of the destructive entitlement mentality that has swept over this country.
Complacency is a much bigger disease than obsession.
We live in a nation of adult children who all played by the rules and are wondering why life isn’t playing out the way that they thought it would.
They’re quick to point fingers at this politician or that celebrity, but they never think of pointing a finger at themselves.
Reality is ruthless and does not care about the way you feel.
The obsessed love reality and live in it every single day.
The obsessed win at life and have the ability to make a difference in the world.
The mediocre hate reality and probably can’t even read this article.
These are the same people who play by the rules and then waste their lives complaining and consuming which ensures that they never get anywhere.
If you want to be great, forget about the rules.
They are set in place to prevent you from taking the right actions to get successful.
Following the rules is so destructive because rules are specifically crafted to limit your actions.
To be successful, you must do the opposite of what the masses do.
You absolutely must break the rules.
You need to become limitless, not limited.
You need to become extreme, as that is the only way you will get the extreme results you are looking for.
I never follow the rules and life is good.
Best regards,
Alex Chung
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