Fear is the only enemy of success.
As Grant Cardone said, fear is the great indicator.
If you are afraid of something, this usually means that what you fear is something that will move you in the direction of success.
As Greg Plitt said, behind every fear is the person you want to be.
To get rich and achieve all your financial goals, you must face and destroy every single one of your fears one by one.
When you embark on your journey to the top, you will most likely be completely shackled by fear.
How do I know this?
I know because I was completely afraid when I first began trying to make money.
I was afraid to cold call clients in the call center at BMW.
I was afraid to sell cars on the showroom floor at Benz.
I was afraid to start delivering food for UberEats during the pandemic.
I was afraid when I first started scanning items to resell at Goodwill and Walmart.
I was afraid to do my first bulk buys at Nike Outlet.
I was afraid to send in my first Amazon shipment.
I was afraid to invest money into my business.
I was afraid to start making content.
Every time I was afraid, I simply pushed past the fear and took action anyways.
What I realized is that fear is an illusion.
The human mind has a tendency to overthink and imagine worst case scenarios when you try new things that you’ve never done before.
This is your brain’s defense mechanism at work which seeks to prevent you from experiencing pain while keeping you safe within your comfort zone.
While this was useful back in the caveman days when unfamiliar situations could result in death or catastrophic loss, there is very little to actually fear in today’s world.
While your brain will inevitably experience fear when you go after what you want, only you make the decision to allow fear to stop you from taking action.
When you are afraid yet take action regardless, the fear subsides.
Eventually, what you once feared becomes your new comfort zone.
You begin to realize that the fears you once had were completely unfounded.
This trains your brain to no longer fear what you once feared, as it now believes that what you previously feared is now safe.
In this article, I will discuss 4 fears you must destroy to unlock your full potential in the game of reselling.
1. Fear of the opinions of broke losers
The first fear you must overcome is the fear of the opinions of broke losers.
Broke losers can be anyone, including people close to you.
These are people who have allowed fear to control them to the point that they have given up on their dreams and are actively trying to stop you from achieving yours.
In order to win, you must learn how to disregard the opinions of broke losers.
Broke losers have many opinions, but take no action.
No one respects them, so their opinions are meaningless.
If these broke losers had any worthwhile opinions, they would not be dirt poor.
But they are, so disregard everything they say.
They’ll criticize your every move, and tell you why what you are doing will not work and why your actions are wrong.
They may be strangers who realize your true potential and are mad that your success highlights how much they are underachieving in their own lives.
A winner can admire someone who is more successful than them, emulate them and eventually go on to achieve the same results.
The best a loser can do is hate, be jealous, criticize and stay poor.
I don’t waste time thinking about what small-minded people think about what I am doing.
I know they live miserable lives of quiet desperation, and wait until the weekend when they can drink their sorrows away.
I know they live paycheck to paycheck and constantly worry about money and how they are going to pay the bills.
I know they have low self-esteem and no one respects them, as they don’t even respect themselves.
How does this translate into reselling?
When you start going sourcing, you will frequently encounter the jealous hater type.
The kind of low-life who hates resellers and thinks that they are the scum of the earth.
Meanwhile, all they do is consume, watch television, scroll on TikTok, gain weight, talk shit, bitch, complain and protest.
They do not know how to respect the game, because in their minds success should be handed out and the reason they are not rich is because they are oppressed.
These jealous types are not only too lazy to work towards their individual goals, but have the audacity to get mad when they see you killing it.
Many people have allowed the fear of reseller haters (most of whom are obese keyboard warriors) to prevent them from going out to stores and scanning items.
When I first began, I was paranoid that some of these people would come up to me and say something.
What you will realize in due time is that these fears are completely unfounded.
Reseller haters are fucking cowards who are afraid of confrontation.
They talk big on Reddit and Facebook, but in person, all they can do is sulk like little bitches.
Then, there are the passive aggressive types.
The kind of people who hate seeing you win and actively try to sabotage you by being difficult.
What you must realize is that the only power that these people have over you is the power that you allow them to have against you.
Like Grant Cardone said, the best way to get revenge is through massive success.
Keep killing it and showing up every single day.
Over time, you will develop thick skin and become completely desensitized to the hate.
Once money starts lining your pockets, you will find haters amusing and pathetic.
You’ll wonder why they’re so arrogant and jealous, when they could humble themselves, learn the game and get rich.
But by then, you won’t give a shit what happens to them.
2. Fear of losing money
The fear of losing money is what shackles so many to a life of poverty and complete underachievement.
Your whole life, you’ve been taught how valuable and scarce money is.
Money is printed faster than trees can grow. Cash is trash.
Everything you’ve ever been taught in regards to money was a lie meant to control you and keep you poor.
Don’t be afraid of losing money.
Losing money is okay because you can always make it back.
You lost some money trying out a business idea? Good.
What you will gain is far more valuable than worthless currency.
You’ll gain lessons that you cannot obtain in books regarding success, business and how to make money without a job.
Lessons they do not teach in school and can only be taught by the real world.
Average people do everything they possibly can to avoid losing money and making mistakes, and as a result they learn nothing and achieve nothing.
Each lesson in failure brings you one step closer to success.
In fact, you should make a habit of continuously going broke until you have the requisite skills to get rich.
When you are broke, you’re already poor, so what difference will saving the small amount of money that you make do for you besides keep you trapped in a scarcity mindset.
I recommend that you buy and read every book on money and success, take chances and invest all your money into inventory.
It is when you are broke that you should take on the most risk, because you have the least to lose and the most to gain.
For years, I spent all my money on books and education. I did not save a single penny, even when I made bank selling cars.
I lived broke for years, but during that time I learned all the necessary skills to get rich.
When I first started selling on Amazon, I would do UberEats orders to generate $40 by doing 4 trips. I would spend all that money on inventory to resell on Amazon.
I did not care if I lost this money or made mistakes.
That is how I learned.
Even the money I lost on dead inventory, I made back and much more through the sourcing ability I developed by my habit of going broke, going back out and making more money.
I still carry this mindset on to this very day.
I hate cash sitting in the bank.
When you have money sitting in the bank, you feel comfortable and safe.
When you spend all your money and go broke, you have the hunger, fire and determination to win by any means necessary.
I go hard spending all my available funds on inventory and continuously go broke so that I have the drive to go out and make even more.
I put all my money to work so that it can generate more money for me.
I have no plans to stop doing this either.
Once I have too much money to efficiently source via retail arbitrage, I’ll have to locate wholesalers to place large purchase orders.
Then, I’ll get into real estate investing.
I’ll learn through taking action, making mistakes, getting back up and persisting until I win.
That’s what’s brought me this far and what I know has the power to send me to the next level.
3. Fear of getting into debt
Dave Ramsey is the ultimate con artist in the world of middle class people.
He tells people that the way to get rich is through saving money, cutting up your credit cards, getting out of debt, paying off your house, eating canned beans and living beneath your means.
Meanwhile, he gets rich from his books, radio shows, interviews and investments.
Disregard everything he says if your plan is to get rich by any means necessary.
Study Robert Kiyosaki’s work to learn about debt and taxes.
Read my AMZ credit card guide to learn the unfiltered truth about debt and how to use it to get richer.
Most people fear getting into debt, but willingly sign up for student loans without considering the consequences.
This is in fact the worst kind of debt, because it is debt that cannot be forgiven even after death, used to purchase a useless degree which does not guarantee success or even a high enough income to pay it back.
It is a tool designed to turn young, creative human beings into slaves.
Most people are quick to get auto loans and home mortgages, and then preach a debt-free lifestyle when they realize that they are completely shackled to their job due to their bad financial decisions.
This is because they are consumers who do not think before they act but act before they think.
Smart people learn how to harness debt to their advantage.
They know how to think for themselves and avoid all the pitfalls that trap the majority of people into a lifestyle of servitude.
They avoid the bad debt that the mediocre use and take on good debt that makes them rich and allows them to benefit from inflation as opposed to getting hurt by it.
While the concept of saving money is good in theory, what Dave Ramsey fails to ever mention is the impact of excessive money printing.
This phenomenon has completely devalued our currency and will continue to persist in the future.
Saving money was a good idea in the past, when books like The Richest Man In Babylon were written. Now, it is another trap designed to keep the masses of people broke and poor.
Many people believe in saving money because it is how their grandparents or some uncle in the family got rich. They also say the same about going to college.
What these people do not realize is that what worked in the past does not always work in the future.
We live in a world that is continually changing and evolving, and those who adapt to the changes before the masses catch on are the ones who continuously come out on top.
Those who fail to evolve with the changing world and believe the lies that the mainstream promotes are left behind and bear immense consequences.
Ever since our money was removed from the gold standard, the concept of saving money became a scam promoted by the mainstream media, education system and bankers. It only benefits those who do not follow this advice.
As more money is printed, it chases the same amount of goods and services, meaning that the price of these goods and services continues to increase.
By dumping your cash and purchasing assets or inventory, inflation makes you richer.
Inflation also makes debt cheaper, because you borrow dollars today, and pay it back with cheaper dollars tomorrow.
If you purchase profitable inventory like I teach you how to do on this blog, you will not only experience exponential compound capital growth but benefit massively from inflation.
4. Fear of the unknown
What does the fear of the unknown entail?
Every time you ask yourself questions like “What if…?” or “What will happen when…?”, you are experiencing the fear of the unknown.
Here’s what you need to understand.
The fear of the unknown will paralyze you.
It will stop you from reaching your full potential and turning your goals into reality.
This fear must absolutely be overcome in order to get rich reselling.
If you do not know what will happen when you do something, the answer is to find out by any means necessary.
Most people wonder what will happen if their items do not sell at Amazon.
They wonder what will happen if they buy inventory that tanks in price.
They wonder how to deal with returns and customer complaints.
All these unknown factors turn into fears which prevent them from purchasing profitable inventory in the first place and sending it into AMZ.
If you fail to conquer the fear of the unknown, a mediocre life awaits you.
The only way to overcome this fear is to find out what happens for yourself.
Take risks with money that you can afford to lose.
Consider it an educational expense to expand your knowledge into the game.
Just like when you are playing a video game and are exploring unknown parts of the map which are greyed out, once you conquer the fear of the unknown, your fears will dissipate and your area of expertise will expand.
Your knowledge of the game will increase, which will translate into more success.
Your confidence will increase, which will push you to conquer more and more fears until you become fearless and unstoppable.
When you allow the fear of the unknown to paralyze you into inaction, you stay right where you are and achieve nothing.
The way to win is to gradually expand your knowledge base through consistency and discipline.
Most people wouldn’t bat an eye at spending 5 to 6 figures on a bullshit college scam degree that guarantees nothing but student loan debt, but are scared to invest a couple hundred dollars into inventory that could teach them valuable lessons and absolutely change their lives.
Learn something new every single day.
If you are learning, you are expanding. If you are not learning, you are contracting.
Expansion is the path to the life of your dreams.
Contraction is the path to a life of misery that you cannot escape.
Once you destroy these 4 fears you will become limitless and no one will be able to stop you.
They will try.
Only you can let them.
Once you conquer these fears, you start hitting the fast-track towards achieving all your goals.
You’ll be able to achieve anything you set your mind to and hit levels that you previously thought were impossible.
Best regards,
Alex Hyun
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